14 August 2010

From Mr Peculiar

Dear Woman,

Who's there knock knock dr leg

I like cats they are quite nice.. Do you like soup?

really liked your little write up you did and you look pretty
in the pic..
can I get you anything?


10 shots of Tequila and a Blue Lagoon?

I imagine you get a fair bit of mail from all sorts of guys.
if you want a guy who can promise to make you laugh feel free to
drop me a line,

if not good luck with your search

Yours Sincerely

Mr Peculiar

Dear Mr Peculiar. Err...thanks for your email? I know you've promised to make me laugh, and don't get me wrong, you have, but in a very awkward 'ha ha ha is this guy on crack, will he try and murder me with a spoon and then wear my flesh as a dress' type of way. So on that note, I'll bid you farewell. Good luck with your search, there'll be some cat-owning, Blue Lagoon-loving, crack-dealing lady out there with your name on her somewhere, but that's probably because you've already Sharpied her when she wasn't looking. Yours, befuddledly.


  1. CTS, your blog just keeps getting funnier, and funnier!

  2. Don't thank me, thank the single male contingent of the online dating community!


Check out my other dating blog 52 First Dates